■主要用途 Main Usage■ 本机由主机、辅机、电控箱三个部分组成,具有风选式、无筛无网、颗度大小均匀等多种性能,生产过程连续进行。该机达到国际先进水平,广泛适用于制药、化工、食品等行业的物料粉碎。 This machine is consisted of main motor,auxiliary motor,and electrical control cabinet with the capabilities of winnowing,non-sieve Or mesh,equality of granule size,and continuous processing etc. It meetsthe international advanced level and is suitable for the material grinding by the trade of pharmaceutics,chemical,and foodstuff etc. ■工作原理 working Method ■ 物料由料斗经螺旋输送器进入粉碎室,被高速旋转的刀片剪切粉碎,通过负压风运的方法把物料运入旋风分离器。袋式
除尘器,排除物料达到产品的要求。 Raw material is de,ivered on the grinding chamber via hopper by spiral feeder,and is cut and sheared by the high speed cutters,then the material is moved into the whirlwind separator and the sack dust catcher by the negative pressure sucking method.The ejection material meets the product requirement.