基本理化性质: 分子式:TiB2 CAS No.:12045-63-5 二硼化钛为黑色六方型晶体或粉末,无味,综合性能优异,具有优良的热稳定性、抗氧化性及导电性能。密度为4.50-4.52,熔点2,980℃,硬度达3,600,热压二硼化钛的弯曲强度为131.3×106 Pa,抗氧化性达1,100℃。晶亿二硼化钛经过2000多摄氏度高温反应制成,有**结晶,含碳量低,纯度高。
品名 | 纯度
| 氧
| 碳
| 水分
| 粒度(d50)
| ≥ 98.0%
| ≤ 1.2%
| ≤ 0.1%
| ≤ 0.4%
| 0-100微米可选
包装: 25公斤/纸板桶。
Titanium DiborideIntroduction:Formula: TiB2CAS No.: 12045-63-5.
TiB2 is a kind of black powder with hexagonal crystal system. It is odorless and its comprehensive property is excellent. It shows perfect heat proof ability, oxidation resistance and conductivity. Its density is 4.50-4.52, melting point is 2,980℃, and hardness is 3,600. The flexural strength of the hot pressed TiB2 parts are 131.3×106 Pa and it shows oxidation-resistance even at 1,100℃. Jonye TiB2 is made in 2000cetigrade temperature furnance that has good crystal, low carbon contents, high purity.
Typical applications:◇To produce hot press ceramic where excellent conductivity is requested, such as Evaporation Boat◇To produce hot press TiB2 armor◇As antifriction material◇As the composite, such as Atmospheric plasma spraying composite powder
◇As the cathode coating material of industrial Aluminum electrolytic cells◇As the TiB2 base metal ceramic material◇As cut tools◇To produce Ceramic Target
Purity | Oxygen
| Carbon
| Moisture
| Particle Size (d50)
≥98.0% min
| ≤1.2% max
| ≤0.5% max
| ≤0.2% max
| 5-10 micron
Packing:25 kgs per fiber drum