公司简介 Corporation Introduction 登冠品信(天门)泵业有限公司是致力于物联网技术和流体输送系统工程中泵类设备新型技术研发与应用的科技型创新企业。公司以客户需求为中心,着力打造“一站式”服务平台,全面承接流体输送系统工程中泵类的工艺设计、技术咨询、设备总包及售后服务,并在矿山、冶金、钢铁、环保、煤炭、给排水、石油化工、医药、电力等领域配套销售泵类设备、矿山设备及零部件、机电产品、管道、阀门等相关设备,具备进出口资质。 Topped Person Tianmen Pump Co., Ltd. is a technological innovation- based enterprise, concentrating of scientific research, processing, marketing and service. We dedicated in the adhibition of Internet and technology research of pump equipments which exist in fluid delivery system. Oriented by the market, we build a ‘one-stop service’ platform of fluid delivery system and provide various diversified products, in the core of pump products. As the basic of qualification for international import and export, we supply pump technological design and consultancy service and we also distribute pump equipment and other related products in the field of mine, metallurgy, steel, environmental protection, coal, water supply and drainage, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry and electricity industry. 公司坚持创新与合作并举,与大专院校和科研单位密切合作,在泵的耐腐蚀、耐磨损、高浓度、高粘度、多泡沫输送等方面取得了多项成果。 公司拥有多台大容量中频冶炼炉,大功率热处理炉;铸件采用精密铸造和树脂砂造型生产线,金属材料光谱分析仪,拥有先进的泵类产品性能检测中心。
With the cooperation with some colleges and R&D institution, we get much achievement in noncorrosive, wearproof pump and high viscous, bubbly delivery. Our OEM factory have a few Smelting equipments. For the castings, we use a phenolic and molding production line to produce, metal material spectrum analyzer to analyze, which has an advanced testing center. 本着“洞悉客户需求,超越客户期待,品质共谋发展,信誉成就未来”的宗旨,登冠品信(天门)泵业有限公司将秉承销售一套产品,承接一项工程,增加一份感情,交好一个朋友的理念,向每一位客户真诚提供最佳的选型报价、可靠的物流运输、免费的安装指导、专业的现场调试、免费的培训支持、定期的用户回访、完善的档案管理、和贴心的售后维护等全程服务,坚守品质和信誉,同广大客户共创美好未来。 Topped Person Tianmen Pump Co., Ltd. focuses on quality, adherence to the credibility and hopes your sincere cooperation and common development. We sincerely provide the best type selection scheme and quotation, reliable logistics transportation, free installation guidance, professional field debugging, free training support, periodical user feedback, impeccable archives administration and intimate after-sale maintenance. With the ‘one-stop service’, reliable quality and credibility, we are looking forward to creating a bright future with you. 公司受邀参加由由昆明理工大学、中国有色金属学会选矿学术委员会、中国矿业联合会选矿委员会、矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室、省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室、昆明冶金研究院有限公司、云南磷化集团有限公司、国家磷资源开发利用工程技术研究中心、武汉科技大学、中国有色金属学会矿冶过程界面化学专业委员会共同主办,昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院、北方中冶(北京)工程咨询有限公司承办的“第四届浮选理论、工艺与装备技术交流会”定于2023年3月24-26日在云南省昆明市召开。届时邀您共同参加~